для людей з порушеннями зору
Сквирський навчально-виховний комплекс "Заклад загальної середньої освіти I-III ступенів №5 - заклад дошкільної освіти" Сквирської міської ради Київської області

Завдання для дистанційного навчання

Дата: 05.05.2020 18:52
Кількість переглядів: 3698

Фото без опису

8 клас геометрія 04.05-08.05 2020 р.

1.Виконати завдання № 4 ст168

2.Опрацювати §4 пункт 23( ст.160)

 3. Виконати завдання за посиланням https://naurok.com.ua/test/desyatkovi-drobi-52057.html

8 клас алгебра 04.05-04.05 2020 р.

  1. Опрацювати §3 пункт 23( ст.181)

  2. Виконати  № 781, 784, 788, 795

  3. Виконати завдання за посиланням  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPLDYAGk0ZM

11 клас геометрія 04.05-08.05 2020 р.

1.Виконати завдання за посилання https://naurok.com.ua/test/test-u-formati-zno-354504.html


11 клас алгебра 04.05-08.05 2020 р.

 1. Виконати  завдання за посиланням  https://naurok.com.ua/test/zno-v-12-355760.html


5  клас                          ( Контроль  навичок  аудіювання )

The control-audition for the 5th form pupils

A dangerous pool

       Jimmy lived in the country and he loved to play in a small river near the house. But then his father got a job in a big city, and Jimmy went to live there with his family.

       Their new house had a big garden, but the garden was very small. Jimmy wasn’t very happy. “Is there a river near there?” he asked his mother on the first morning. His mother answered, “No, there is not, but there’s a beautiful park near here, Jimmy, and there’s a pool in it. We’ll go there this afternoon.” Jimmy was happy.

       After lunch, Jimmy and his mother went to the park. Jimmy wanted to come near the pool, but there was a warning in front of it. His mother read it to him. “This pool is dangerous. 157 people fell into it.” Jimmy looked into the pool and then said, “I can’t see them.”

I. Вибери правильну відповідь і постав  + a6o -

1)  Jimmy and his parents lived in the country,

2)  There was a forest near their house.

3)  Jimmy's father got a new job in a big city.

4)  Their new house had a big garden.

5)  There was a small river in the park.

6)  Jimmy and his mother went to the park after lunch.

7)  Jimmy looked into the pool and saw 157 people there.

ІІ.Вибери правильну відповідь на запитання

1) Where did Jimmy live?

a) In a small town-             b) In the country.        c) In a big city.

2)  Where did Jimmy like to play?

a) in the forest.                  b) in the yard      c) in the small river.

3)  What did Jimmy's father get?

a) A new job.                   b) A new shop.        c) A new car.

4)  What was there near Jimmy's new house?

a) A river.                         b) A forest.               c) A park.

5) Who took Jimmy to the park?

a) His father.                     b) His mother.           c) His granny

6) What did they see near the pool?

a) A warning.                   b) A boat.                 c) A crocodile.

7) How many people did Jimmy see in the pool?

a) 157.                              b)7.                          c)None.

ІІІ. IIocтав речення по порядку, щоб отримати розповідь.

A. There was a pool in the park.

B. Jimmy looked into the pool and said, "I can't see any people there".

C. Jimmy liked to live in the country.

D. Jimmy went to the beautiful park with his mother.

E. But his father got a new job in a big city.

F. Jimmy's mother read a warning:" 157 people fell into the pool".

G. Now Jimmy lived in a new house with a small garden.


6 клас  ( Контроль навичок  аудіювання )

                              The control-audition for the 6th form pupils

Christmas in Great Britain and America

      The most popular holiday in Great Britain and America is Christmas. They celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December.

There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas. Every year people of Norway give the city of London a present. It's a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square.

      Most families decorate their houses with a Christmas tree, buy gifts for the family and friends, write Christmas cards. In England almost every family receives more than 60 Christmas cards.

On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the tree. And usually they have Christmas crackers. When you pull them, they make a bang and inside there is usually a paper hat or a small toy.

People open their presents on Christmas morning and they all are happy with what they have.

For Christmas lunch people eat turkey, potatoes and green vegetables. Then they have Christmas pudding. In England they make Christmas puddings before Christmas. All the family stir the pudding and make a wish. At five o’clock it's time for tea and Christmas cake.                                                     

The day after Christmas is Boxing Day. People usually visit their relatives and friends. They don't work on that day.         

     I.True or false.

      1.  People in Great Britain and America celebrate Christmas on the  26th of December.    

      2. A big Christmas tree stands in Trafalgar Square.

      3. Every year a Christmas tree comes from Norway.

      4. In England people receive a few Christmas cards.

      5. Before Christmas people usually make puddings.
6. In the family only grandmother can make Christmas pudding.

II.Fill in the missing words (wishes, popular, traditions, hats, toys, tree).

1. Christmas is a very _________ holiday.

2. There are a lot of Christmas __________.

3. People decorate their houses with a Christmas _______ .

4. When people make Christmas pudding they make __________.

5. There are usually paper ______ or small ­­­________ in Christmas crackers.

III.Answer the questions.

1. When do people open their Christmas presents?

2. What do they usually have for Christmas lunch?

3. What do people do on Boxing Day?

IV.Write about celebrating Christmas in your country.

When is Christmas in your country?

How do you decorate your house?

What presents do you buy?

What Christmas food do you like?

7 клас ( Контроль навичок аудіювання)

At the chemist’s shop   (завдання І )

P. Can I help you?

W. Yes. Have you got anything for a headache?

P. Is it for an adult?

W. Yes. For my husband, actually.

P. I see. And how bad is it?

W. Well, quite bad, actually.

P. We've got aspirin or paracetamol.

W. Paracetamol, please.

P. A large or a small bottle?

W. How big are they?

P. 50 tablets or 100 tablets.

W. A small bottle then, please. And how many can he take?

P. He can take two every four hours. It's on the side of the bottle. But if he's very bad, I think he

should see a doctor.

W. Fine. Do I pay here?

P. No. If you could take it to the cash desk over there, please...

II. Listen to the text.

The Gorilla Joke  ( завдання ІІ-ІІІ )

A gorilla went into a coffee shop, sat down and ordered a cup of coffee. The waiter was a bit nervous at first, but there weren't any other customers and the gorilla seemed quite friendly, so he let him sit in peace. Who'd argue with a gorilla, anyway? While the waiter made the coffee, he watched the gorilla from the kitchen. The gorilla just sat there, staring at the ceiling. The kettle boiled and the waiter made a fresh cup of coffee and took it in. The gorilla handed him a five-pound note, and went on drinking coffee. The waiter took the five-pound note and went back to the kitchen to get some change. While he was in the kitchen he watched the gorilla, who drank the coffee, but for the rest of the time just stared at the ceiling. The waiter thought to himself, 'That gorilla won't know the difference between a pound note and a five-pound note — he's only a gorilla, after all.' So he took a pound coin and went in to give it to the gorilla. As he handed it over, he said: "We don't get many gorillas in here". The gorilla took the pound and replied: "I'm not surprised, with coffee at four pounds a cup"

I. Choose the best answer.   ( виберіть вірну відповідь )

1)    a) Have you got anything for...?       b) Have you got something for...?

2)    a) Who is it for?  b) Is it for an adult?  

3)    a) How serious is it?   b) How bad is it?       

4)    a) How many should he take?        b) How many can he take?

5)    a) Do I pay here?   b) Can I pay here?      

II.    Put “True” or “False”  (  вірно чи ні )

1)    The gorilla came to the cafe.

2)    There were a lot of customers there.

3)    The waiter was very glad to see him.

4)    The gorilla was sitting quietly.

5)    The waiter got a five-pound note from the gorilla.

6)    There are usually many gorillas in that place.

III.    Choose the correct answer    ( виберіть вірну відповідь )

1) The gorilla ordered…               a) a cup of tea         b) a cup of coffee     c)  a glass of coffee

2) The gorilla sat looking at…              a)  the waiter           b)  the wall              c)  the ceiling

3) The waiter went for some change.... a)  to the kitchen      b)  to the bar         c)   to the counter

4) The waiter gave the gorilla...            a) a pound note        b)  a pound coin        c)  a penny

5) The gorilla paid __for his drink…    a)  five pounds        b)  four pounds         c)  one pound

6)  When the gorilla got the change...   a)  he laughed         b)  he smiled           c)  he told a joke

8 клас  Контроль  навичок  аудіювання

The control-audition for the 8th form pupils

The story of Victor Frankenstein.

         I was born in Switzerland, in the city of Geneva where my family had been important for many years. My father married his best friend's daughter. It was a most happy marriage and my parents shared their love with me.

         My mother hoped to have a daughter, but for five years I was their only child. Then my parents took me on holidays to Italy, and we spent a week on shores of Lake Como.

          One day we were out for a walk in the countryside and my mother saw a very small house and a number of thin poorly clothed children playing in front of it. We could see that the family had very little money, and that the children were hungry. My mother went and spoke to the farmworker and his wife who lived in the house. Four of the children had the dark hair and eyes of their parents. The fifth was a little girl, and she was very fair, with hair of gold and blue eyes.

           The woman told my mother that this little girl was the daughter of an Italian nobleman who had given them the child to look after when his wife died. The nobleman paid them well but soon he died and left nothing to the little girl. However, the kind farmworker and his wife had brought her up, though there was hardly enough for their own children.

             So my parents adopted the little girl.

1.      Complete the statements listening to the text.

1. My parents____________________

2. One day______________________

3. The farmworker's children________________

4. The woman____________________________

2.     Answer the following questions.

1. Where was Victor born?

2. How many other children were in Victor's family?

3. Who was a little girl whom Victor and his mother met in    Italy?

4. Was the girl adopted by Victor's family?

3.      Put the sentences in the correct chronological order according to the story.

___1. Once we met a poor farmer's family.

___2.I was the only child for many years.

___3. My parents adopted the girl.

___4. The woman told the girl's story.


9 клас  Контроль навичок аудіювання

Text 1                                                           Amelie's Christmas

Amelie was keeping her eyes closed tight. Yesterday it was Christmas and she went to bed too late. Her parents gave Christmas dinner and it was not easy. Her mother's relatives, the Clermounts, were too excited with the dinner and turned up at 9:30 a.m. They were too dull talking about their horses and races. They ran stables and knew all horses of the UK and some in Switzerland. Amelie tried to engage them into conversation about fine arts. Mr. Clermount got very enthusiastic discussing how naturally horses look on some pictures. While Amelie was suffering from too many horses, her mother, Mrs. Lester, was suffering from too much ingredients, which she had to combine, in order to cook Christmas dinner. The art of cooking was an absolute mystery for her, and she struggled with all that eggs, milk, flour, chickens. Ingredients were more skilful in struggling and Mrs. Lester sent Mr. Lester to the nearest restaurant for a take-away meal. At that very moment Mrs Clermount remembered that she had left all Christmas presents at their farmhouse and Amelie had to accompany her at her rash shopping tour. After three-hour search Mrs. Clermount picked up two blouses to: Amelie ar.d he: —other and a Chinese watch, that looked right like a true Rolex, Amelie's rather. Everything was for a good price of twenty-two pounds. When Christmas dinner was over, Amelie was so tired that she wasn't even disappointed to learn that Santa Clause brought her a big book about horses.

Text 2.                                            The Mystery of the Ghost Ship

On November 4, 1872 two friends, captains Moorhouse and Briggs, and their wives were having dinner together in New York. Captain Moorhouse commanded the ship Dei Gratia while captain Briggs headed the crew of Mary Celeste. Next day, on November 5, Mary Celeste left port and went to Italy. There were eight members of the ship crew on the board. Besides captain Briggs took his wife and two-year-old daughter Sophie with him, as the journey promised to be peaceful. Captain Moorhouse left port seven days later. On December 4 the sailors of Dei Gratia saw a ship, that was going the similar course with them. This was Mary Celeste going so wildly that" Moorhouse understood that something was wrong with the ship, He sent some of his sailors to Mary Celeste. There was nobody on the board. All people disappeared without any sign. The supply of water and food, the cargo, the crew's clothes and personal things were in good order. All machines were all right. But it seemed that people left the ship in a great hurry. Navigation instruments, a lifeboat and the ship's papers except the logbook were missed. The last note was made 11 days before. But it didn't explain the mystery of the ghost ship. Numerous theories about the fate of people were made. Many popular stories, novels and plays speculated over the tragedy. But the mystery of Mary Celeste is still the greatest one of all times.

1.  Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Amelie liked her Christmas present.   2. The Clermounts were Amelie's relatives on her mother's side.

3. Amelie's father bought some chickens in the nearest restaurant. 4. Amelie's mother wasn't a good cook.

2.   Mark the words used in the text.

1. a) first          b) second             c) fifth                  d) seventh

2 a) a team      b) a command     c) a stuff               d) a crew

3. a) wildly      b) quickly           c) happily             d) slowly

4. a) an idea     b) a theory          c) a thought           d) an opinion

3.  Mark the correct variants to complete the sentences.  

1. Captain Briggs commanded ...a) Mary Celeste    b) Dei Gratia     c) New York Star       d) Sophie

2. Maty Celeste went to ... a) Europe      b) Asia        c) Africa         d) Australia

3. Dei Gratia found Mary Celeste in ... . a) winter        b) spring      c) summer         d) autumn

4.  ... were absent on the board of Mary Celeste.

a) The captain's diary and pipe      b) The girl and her toys     c) All people   d) The captain's family

4. Put the sentences in the correct chronological order.

....... 1. Dei Gratia found the ship with no people on the board.

....... 2. Dei Gratia left New York.

....... 3. Mary Celeste was going very fast.

....... 4. Captain Moorhouse understood that something was    wrong with Mary-Celeste.



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