Завдання для дистанційного навчання
3 клас. 04.05 - 08.05
Математика. Завдання 1084 (правило вгорі), завдання на побудову 1091, задача 1102.
Українська мова. Написання НЕ з дієсловами. Правило на с. 176. Виконати вправу 448.
Літературне читання. Опрацювати вірші і текст на с. 169-170.
Природознавство. Опрацювати теми "Для чого потрібне дихання" (с. 155-156)
"Яке значення має кровообіг" (с. 157-159).https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FpqG8JZDCg&feature=youtu.be
АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА 11 клас Контроль навичок аудіювання
( текст для аудіювання MOTHER TERESA )
I. Mark True or False Statements ( позначте Вірно чи Ні )
1. Everyone in the world knows who Mother Teresa was.
2. Agnes chose the name Teresa when she joined a group of nuns in
3. Sister Teresa had worked at St. Mary's school for 20 years and eventually became a principal.
4. Sister Teresa was rarely concerned about the convent where the school was.
5. She decided to go to work with the poor because she didn't like her work at school.
6. Sister Teresa was the only nun in the school she opened.
7. In their white cotton saris Sister Teresa and the nuns looked like poor people in
8. The Missionaries of Charity called her "Mother" Teresa because she guided and directed them. 9. The Missionaries of Charity worked mainly in
10. Mother Teresa didn't consider the Nobel Prize the greatest reward.
II. Choose the correct answer. ( виберіть правильний варіант )
1. Mother Teresa became famous because she...
A. started a hospital. B. was a good teacher.
C. knew everything about everybody. D. lived her life to help others.
2. When Agnes was 18 years old, she went to...
A. Macedonia, C. India.
B. Mexico. D.
3. Sister Teresa lived and worked in the convent in Calcutta for...
A. two years. C. twenty years.
B. twelve years. D. twenty two years.
4. Right after Sister Teresa had left the convent, she...
A. went to hospital to learn to take care of sick people.
B. went to
C. travelled around the world to accept awards.
D. went to St. Mary's School.
5. Sister Teresa decided to work with the poor...
A. when she did charity with her mother.
B. when she saw sick and dying people lying on duty streets.
C. when she asked people for help. D. when she opened her school.
6. Mother Teresa's first school...
A. taught religious subjects only. B. was very small and simple.
C. wasn't liked by the people of
7. The Missionaries of Charity was...
A. an international organization. B. a local company.
C. a good working system. D. the group of nuns.
8. The nuns who worked with Mother Teresa...
A. wanted to be famous. B. lived like other nuns.
C. had a very hard life. D. learned languages and math.
9. Mother Teresa and her group of nuns wore...
A. old and torn clothing. B. white cotton saris.
C. long black dresses. D. plain clothes.
10. She died...
A. in 1998 at the age of 87 C. in 1997 at the age of 87
B. in 1999 at the age of 97 D. in 1998 at the age of 97
Mother Teresa was a simple nun. She never wanted to be famous, but everyone in the world knew who site was. She received many important awards. She travelled around the world to accept them. She asked people for help. Then she gave everything to poor people. Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha in
Over the years, Mother Teresa received many great awards, such as the Nobel Peace Prize. But she always said her greatest reward was helping people. Her message to the world was, '"We can do no great things - only small things with great love". She died in 1997 at the age of 87. The whole world mourned her death.